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Latest Resources
Storytelling Tool
A tool for health workers, clinics and communities, the Storytelling App is a useful resource to have on hand when delivering education sessions on scabies and Crusted Scabies. There are stories for men, women, children and renal patients available in over 20 indigenous languages, as well as interactive games. There is also a Facilitator’s Guide that can be used in a group setting, and a User's Guide is available with instructions for download here.
Educational Videos
Walking Together Working Together is an educational film that shares insights into undertaking health work with remote communities. We asked people working across Kakadu and Arnhem Land their perspectives on working collaboratively to improve health outcomes in their communities. Their story reflects the One Disease approach, and highlights one of our principles of elimination – Indigenous Health in Indigenous Hands.
More Videos
I Mite Tell You
Episode 1 - Scabies
Episode 2 - Diagnosis
Episode 3 - Treatment
Episode 4 - Transmission
Scabies Awareness Campaign
These TV advertisements were featured as part of a 6 month campaign in the Top End of Australia, aiming to increase awareness about scabies: what it is, how it’s transmitted and how to create scabies free zones. The advertisements are backed by music from well-known Indigenous bands and artists.
Clinical Resources
Crusted Scabies & Hospital Story
Alice Springs Hospital (ASH) developed this wonderful video telling the Hospital and Crusted Scabies story from the patient's perspective. The story aims to ease the stress, worry, distress and confusion which patients may feel when first admitted to hospital for Crusted Scabies treatment.
In Northern Territory hospitals, Crusted Scabies patients are cared for a single room with ‘Skin Precautions’. These precautions require all staff and visitors to wear a surgical cap, plastic gown, gloves and booties. This can be extremely isolating and stigmatising for the patient and family.
This video addresses the information gap regarding Crusted Scabies treatment and decreases the likelihood of the patient leaving hospital without completing treatment.
How to Apply Lyclear: A Story
These clips form a new series of messages from community members about the importance of applying two doses of lyclear cream. Lyclear is one of the treatments that kills scabies mites. However, the scabies eggs are not killed by lyclear after the first dose. This story is to reinforce the importance of applying the lyclear cream twice 7 days apart to kill Scabies eggs that hatched and have become scabies mites.
Manuel Dhurrkay is a talented musician, and after being a part of the Saltwater Band for over 25 years, he branched out in 2020 to commence his solo career. ‘NAWUMUL (Canoe song)’ is his first solo track and the lyric video is below.
Manuel is also passionate about health messages and below you will find his old Scabies song from 1998 with a new community video which Manuel organised to be filmed.
One Disease COVID-19 Community Campaign - Helping to Prevent the Spread of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Knowing that our remote Indigenous communities may be particularly vulnerable to contracting the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), One Disease acted quickly to develop messaging around COVID-19 prevention strategies. We created a set of video clips with community members, speaking in their first language about the importance of handwashing and physical (social) distancing. A special handwashing clip with a song by Manuel Dhurrkay called appropriately Wash Your Hands was also produced.